Friday, October 9, 2009


I have been working on this for a couple days. It is the test piece for a quilt top for my niece. Doing a test this large lets me get a feel for the layout and also gives me lots of room to play with different textures and colors. At one point each flower was a different color of the blue family.

I just had another idea to add to this and will go try it out...I can't loose! If it looks really bad I can cut that part off... OR... like my teacher...burn it in the driveway! Freedom to let go is Wonderful!
When it comes time for the real deal I will fuss and fret, followed by ranting and raving if something should go awry. I am still working on that freedom thing!
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  1. .......does this mean that this is going to be a scrap when it grows up?


    I will blatently be dumpster diving at your house....might as well call in the officials early....and at the next meeting .....I will stand and say...."Hi, My name is Nettie and I dig, literally, Katrina's garbage......."

  2. I am just speechless...we all know how hard that is to accomplish. This is amazing!!! Adopt me...I do windows!!!

  3. I dont do windows......

    but I will do trash ;)
